"I need to be a famous streamer by tomorrow"

Rangesh "N3on" has rapidly risen to prominence as one of the leading streamers on Kick, boasting a substantial following of more than 195K fans. While he initially gained recognition for his association with Adin Ross, he has since established himself as a prominent figure in the streaming community. This is exemplified by his upcoming collaboration

Rangesh "N3on" has rapidly risen to prominence as one of the leading streamers on Kick, boasting a substantial following of more than 195K fans. While he initially gained recognition for his association with Adin Ross, he has since established himself as a prominent figure in the streaming community. This is exemplified by his upcoming collaboration with Rubi Rose, an OnlyFans model and musician.

This naturally sparked various reactions from his online fanbase, especially on X (formerly Twitter), with one user humorously expressing their desire to be a famous streamer as well. Here's what @roddystr wrote:

"I need to be a famous streamer by tomorrow."
Fans react to the latest collaboration update (Image via X)

Who is Rubi Rose? N3on's latest collaboration goes viral

Rubi Rose is scheduled to make an appearance on a stream with N3on. She has been a notable presence on the internet since 2016, when she gained recognition for her role in the hip-hop group Migos' music video for the single Bad and Boujee.

Rubi has herself established a successful music career, collaborating with artists such as Playboi Carti. She also made a cameo appearance in Cardi B's 2020 hit single WAP. Lately, she has gained recognition for her content on OnlyFans, a platform primarily known for adult content sharing.

Her collaboration with the contentious Kick streamer isn't her first interaction with a content creator. She has previously appeared on Twitch streams with DJ Akademiks, a Jamaican-born East Coast hip-hop commentator.

Rubi Rose's X post goes viral (Image via X)
The streamer is looking forward to the meeting (Image via X)

As of now, there hasn't been any official confirmation about the nature of their collaboration. However, at the time of writing, N3on was live on his Kick account, indicating the possibility that Rubi might join him later.

What did the fans say?

Fans are eagerly anticipating the streamer's latest high-profile collaboration with Rubi. In response to Rubi's recent X post, fans have been sharing their reactions:

Fans react to Rubi Rose's X post (Image via X)

In other news, the streamer's relationship with Sam Frank has rapidly become a topic of interest for many and has ignited intense debates in recent weeks. Interested readers can read about Twitter users discussing the dynamic between N3on and Sam Frank.

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