WWE NXT Stand & Deliver Results Coverage, Reactions & Highlights For April 1, 2023

NXT Stand & Deliver is set to take place from the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles, California. The results coverage for WWE NXT Vengeance Day will begin at 1:00 p.m. ET and there will be a kickoff show at 12:00 p.m. ET.

NXT Stand & Deliver is set to take place from the Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles, California. The results coverage for WWE NXT Vengeance Day will begin at 1:00 p.m. ET and there will be a kickoff show at 12:00 p.m. ET.

These are live results, so keep refreshing as the show proceeds to get the best updates!

Stand & Deliver is NXT’s biggest show of the year. Hence, this show promises an exciting night of action. One of the most anticipated matches of the show is the NXT Championship match between Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes. Another highly anticipated match is the NXT Women’s Championship Ladder match. The complete match cart for the show is as follows:

  • Unsanctioned Match: Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller
  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship: Kiana James & Fallon Henley (c) vs. Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn
  • Fatal 5-Way Match for the NXT North American Championship: Wes Lee (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov vs. JD McDonagh vs. Dragon Lee vs. Axiom
  • Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the NXT Tag Team Championship: Gallus (c) vs. The Creed Brothers vs.The Family
  • Eight-person Mixed Tag team Match: Chase University & Tyler Bate vs. Schism
  • Ladder Match for the NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Zoey Stark vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Indi Hartwell
  • NXT Championship Match: Bron Breakker (c) vs. Carmelo Hayes

NXT Stand & Deliver Opener:

Eight-person Mixed Tag team Match: Chase University & Tyler Bate vs. Schism

Chase University’s music plays and they make their way to the ring. Schism’s theme song plays and they come out to the ring.

The match begins and Andre Chase with an hiptoss. Bate tags in and attacks him. Hale comes in and but Ava doesn’t want to face her. Gacy attacks Chase from behind and slams him.

Chase fights back and tags in Bate who continues the attack. Bate with a standing shooting star. Gacy tags out to Ava. She shoves Hale. Ava with a knee to Thea and follows it with a German suplex.

Thea Hale fights back with a back elbow and slams her. She hits a senton. Cover! 1…2…Reid makes the save. Bate tags in and attacks Reid. Fowler tags in and they double-team Bate.

Bate with a suplex. He tags Chase who attacks Gacy and body-slams him. He climbs the top rope and hits the cross body. Bate tags in and hits a clothesline. Bate sent outside. Fowler and Reid double-team Chase. Duke Hudson comes in and takes them out. Ava slaps him and Hale jumps on Ava and attacks her. She then hits a DDT on Reid. Gacy with a big boot to Hudson.

Bate with a pop and bang. Hudson accidentally attacks Bate with a big boot. Gacy with a clothesline. Cover! 1..2…Chase makes the save. Schism teams up on Chase. Ava Raine slams Thea Hale. Hudson comes in and Gacy whispers something in his ear. He then offers him a t-shirt and Hudson wears it.

They hug him and Hudson rips the shirt and they all brawl in the ring. They kick Schism in the ring. Bate tags in Hudson and hits the flat liner for the win.

Winner: Chase University and Tyler Bate

Ladder Match for the NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Zoey Stark vs. Gigi Dolin vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Indi Hartwell

Zoey Stark’s music plays and she comes out to the ring. Indi Hartwell’s theme song plays and she makes her way to the ring. Gigi Dolin’s music hit next and she comes down to the ring.

The opening package for NXT Stand & Deliver plays.

Tiffany Stratton’s theme song plays next and she comes down to the ring. Lyra Valkyria’s music plays and she walks down to the ring. Roxanne Perez’s theme song plays and she walks to the ring.

They all start brawling in the ring. Lyra and Indi clash using ladders on the outside. They both take each other out with a clothesline. Perez with a head scissors on Stark and she attacks Stratton in the corner. She sends Stark out of the ring and hits the suicide dive on Indi.

Stratton takes out Roxanne. Gigi attacks her and knocks down Stark. She then kicks Stratton in the head. She brings a ladder into the ring but is knocked down by Stark. Indi with a clothesline to both Stark and Stratton.

She attacks Stark and Stratton with a ladder. Lyra takes her out with a dropkick. Valkyria and Roxanne fight for the ladder. Lyra kicks Perez. She kicks Gigi and suplexes her into the ladder.

Indi attacks Stark with the ladder. Stark with a neckbreaker on Stratton. Valyria sets up a ladder in the ring. Stark stops her and sends her into the ladder. Valkyria and Stratton climb the ladder. She knocks Stratton off the ladder. Indi kicks Stark out of the ring and climbs the ladder. Stratton and Perez also join her. Indi gets down and knocks them off the ladder.

Indi climbs the ladder but is stopped by Gigi Dolin who sends her into the ladder. Dolin places a ladder in the corner. She knocks down everyone using the ladder. Gigi with a back body drop on Valkyria on the ladder.

She sets her up on the ladder. Stark with a crossbody on Valkyria. Gigi sets up another ladder in the ring. Stratton picks her up and slams her into the ladder. Perez sent into the turnbuckle. Perez climbs the ladder but Stratton stops her and they both crash down.

Stratton attacks Perez in the corner. Indi with a spinebuster on the ladder. She climbs the ladder but is stopped by Zoey Stark who attacks her with a ladder. Stark dives onto Indi. She takes out Indi. Stark climbs the ladder but is stopped by Perez. Pere with pop rocks. Stratton sent outside. Perez climbs the ladder but Gigi stops her.

She slams Perez into the ladder multiple times. She then hits a crucifix bomb. Lyra Valkyria attacks Dolin. She hits a dropkick on Stark. valkyrie climbs the ladder but is stopped by Dolin.

Valkyria hung up in the ladder. Dolin climbs the ladder but Valkyria stops her. She is thrown off the top. Jacy Jayne appears and knocks Dolin off the ladder.

Stratton climbs the ladder but is sent off the ladder onto the other participants. Dexter Lumis appears and helps her climb the ladder and retrieve the belt.

Winner: Indi Hartwell (c)

*Commercial break*

Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the NXT Tag Team Championship: Gallus (c) vs. The Creed Brothers vs.The Family

The Creed Brother’s theme song plays and they walk to the ring. Tony D’Angelo and Stacks’ music plays and they come out to the ring. Gallus’ music plays and they make their way to the ring.

The match begins and all men brawl. Wolfgang tags in and they all take down each other. Mark Coffey knocked down. Julius with a bodyslam on Stacks. Tony witha. clothesline. Stacks with a dropkick to Julius. Stacks with a neckbreaker to Julius.

The Creed Brother wipe out everyone with a moonsault. They double-team Wolfgang. Brutus slams Mark Coffey. He climbs the top rope and goes for a dive but is caught. He tags out and Wolfgang attacks Brutus. He then bodyslams Tony.

Brutus tags out and Julius attacks everyone. He hits the belly-to-belly suplex on Tony. Stacks takes down Julius. He hits a crossbody. The Creed Brothers hit the double Doomsday Device.

Brutus is sent into the post. Julius gets Stacks back into the ring. Tony with a suplex on Julius. Stacks with a splash. Cover! 1….2…Mark makes the save. Tony plants Coffey. They double-team him. Cover! 1….2….Joe Coffey makes the save. Gallus hit their double-team move for the win.

Winner: Gallus (c)

*Commercial break*

Johnny Gargano is shown backstage. Pretty Deadly are backstage and they appreciate the NXT Women’s Title match. They gag while mentioning Gallus. They say they are outside Bron Breakker’s locker room. They decide not to disturb him in the end.

Fatal 5-Way Match for the NXT North American Championship: Wes Lee (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov vs. JD McDonagh vs. Dragon Lee vs. Axiom

Ilja Dragunov’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Axiom’s theme song plays next and he comes out to the ring. JD McDonagh’s music plays next and he walks to the ring. Dragon Lee’s music hit and he walks out to the ring. Wes Lee’s theme song plays and he comes down to the ring.

They all brawl in the ring. McDonagh attacks Wes lee in the corner. Ilja attacks Axiom in the corner. Dragon Lee attacks JD McDonagh from behind and hits the hurricanrana. He hits a combination offense. He attacks Ilja with a dropkick. Dragon Lee dropkicks Axiom. He then dives onto Wes Lee and Axiom.

Dragon kicks Wes Lee but it has no effect. Lee with a flurry of strikes. Ilja sent into the turnbuckle. Wes dives but misses and lands on his feet. Lee kicks McDonagh. JD attacks Wes from behind. JD knocks down Dragon Lee and hits Ilja with a knee.

He attacks Wes Lee. JD hits the moonsault on Illja and Axium. He hits the Spanish Fly on Dragon Lee. He then hits the Devil Inside. Cover! 1..2…Ilj stops the count. They all dropkick JD. Ilja hits the German suplex on JD.

He chops down Wes Lee and attacks Dragon and Axiom. He hits a German suplex on Wes. He takes out Axiom with a clothesline. Ilja with a knee drop to Dragon. He picks up Wes Lee and hits a cannonball on Dragon Lee in the corner. He hits the senton off the top rope. He climbs the top rope but is knocked down by JD. Axiom takes out JD.

Axiom with a moonsault on Ilja and JD. Wes Lee and Dragon battle on the top rope. Dragon with a double-stomp to Wes. Axiom takes out Ilja and JD. He hits the double northern lights. He locks in the ankle lock but JD attacks him.

Axiom with a superkick. He locks both JD and Ilja in a submission hold. Ilja with a powerbomb on Dragon Lee and JD. Cover! 1…2….Wes Lee makes the save. Wes goes for the golden ration and is caught with a superkick. Dragon with a German suplex. Ilja takes out Dragon Lee.

Dragon Lee with a powerbomb. Cover! 1….2….kick out. Axiom with a DDT. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. Dragon Lee with an hurricanrana. Ilja with a boot. He then hits the superplex and the forearm. Cover! 1…2…Wes Lee and Dragon Lee make the save.

Ilja is attacked by both Wes and Dragon. Wes with a superkick. Dragon with a jumping knee. Ilja takes out Dragon Lee. He goes for the torpedo but Wes Lee hits the golden ratio for the win.

Winner: Wes Lee (c)

*Commercial break*

Pretty Deadly are backstage and they say that the unsanctioned match is next. But they are looking for a scoop from Carmelo Hayes. Trick Williams comes out and asks them to shut up. He says no one is ready for Carmelo Hayes.

Unsanctioned Match: Johnny Gargano vs. Grayson Waller

Grayson Waller’s music plays and he walks to the ring. Johnny Gargano’s theme song plays and he walks to the ring.

He superkicks Waller and then hits the suicide dive on him. He sends Waller over the announcer’s desk. Gargano dives onto Waller. He hits a slingshot spear and hits him with a trash can.

He sends Waller out of the ring. Gargano goes for a dive but Waller smashes him with a trash can lid. He then hits Gargano with a chair. He picks up Gargaon on the apron but he slips out. Waller with a buckle bomb. Waller goes for a power bomb but he escapes and kicks him in the head. He then suplexes Waller on the bunch of chairs that was set up at ringside.

Gargano sends Waller into the ring. Gargano pulls out a table from under the ring. Waller with a jumping knee. Waller goes for a superkick but is caught with an enzuigiri.

Waller hit with a steel chair. Gargano with a reverse hurricanrana. Gargano places Waller on the table and climbs the top rope but he gets down. Waller hits a stunner before he power bombs him through the table. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

Waller attacks Gargano with a steel chair and continues to viciously punch him. Waller with a side slam on the chair. Cover! 1…2…kick out. Waller hits Gargano with a kendo stick.

Waller hits Gargano with a kendo stick and mocks Candice LeRae. Waller tries to attack him with a chair but he escapes and hits him with a kendo stick. Candice comes in and attacks Waller with the kendo stick. Gargano also attacks him from behind. He hits the one final beat. Cover! 1…2…kick out.

He locks in the Gargano escape but he escapes by gauging the eyes. He dropkicks him and hits the unprettier. Waller places a trash can around Gargano’s head and climbs the top rope. He hits the coast to coast. Cover! 1….2….kick out.

Waller places Gargano on the announcer’s desk. He climbs the top rope and but is hit in the face wth a steel chair. Gargano powebombs Waller through a table. Waller with a low blow. He then hits the stunner. Cover! 1…2..kick out.

Waller hits Gargano with a steel chair. He does it again multiple times. Gargano with a low blow. Gargano with a couple of chair shots. He places a chair around Waller head and hits it with another chair. He locks in the Gargano escape and Waller taps out.

Winner: Johnny Gargano

Tony and Stacks are backstage and Stacks says he let the family down. Pretty Deadly come in and says their hopes and dreams have come crashing down. Tony says they aren’t quitters. Tony yells at Pretty Deadly. They begin arguing and WWE offciials separate them

*Commercial break*

NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship: Kiana James & Fallon Henley (c) vs. Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn

Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn’s music plays and they walk to the ring. Fallon Henley and Kiana James’ theme song plays and they come down to the ring.

The match begins with Fyre diving onto James. Henley and Isla brawl the ring. Fallon with a bulldog. Cover! 1..2…kick out. Henley tripped by Fyre who then hits her with a knee. Fyre tags out and Isla continues the attack.

Isla tags out and Fyre attacks her. Henley slaps Fyre. Henley tags out and James attacks both of them. Fyre and Dawn sent out of the ring. James with a back suplex. Cover! 1..2….kick out.

James with a spinebuster. Isla grabs Henley’s hair and Fyre attacks her in the corner. Henley with a blockbuster. Cover! 1…2..kick out. Dawn fights back and tags out. Fyre and Dawn hit a double-team. Cover! 1..2….James makes the save.

Henley set up on the top rope. James tags in and powerbombs Fyre. Cover! 1…2…Dawn makes the save. Isla and Fyre with a superkick. Cover! 1…2..Henley makes the save.

James with a jawbreaker. She asks Brooks for her bag. Fyre kicks her and they hit the double-team finisher for the win.

Winner: Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn (c)

*Commercial break*

NXT Championship Match: Bron Breakker (c) vs. Carmelo Hayes

Carmelo Hayes’ music plays and Trick introduces him. He makes his way to the ring. Bron Breakker’s music plays next and he walks to the ring.

The match begins and Bron slams Hayes. Carmelo with a dropkick. Bron knocks down Hayes. Hayes goes for a springboard dive but no effect on Bron.

Bron with the hurricanrana. He hits a suplex and a moonsault. Cover! 1..2….kick out. He goes to work on Hayes.

Bron suplexes Hayes. He dropkicks Bron. Hayes attacks Bron in the corner. Hayes takes out Bron with a springboard move. Cover! 1….2….kick out. He locks in a submission hold. Bron escapes by rolling up Hayes.

Hayes attacks Breakker in the corner. Bron with a shoulder tackle. Bron attacks Hayes and goes to work on him. Trick Williams gets on the apron and saves Carmelo Hayes. The referee ejects him from the match and Breakker dives onto both of them.

He climbs the top rope and hits a bulldog. Hayes with a DDT and a cutter. Cover! 1..2…kick out. Hayes climbs the top rope and dives but misses. Hayes with a pump kick. He suplexes him. Cover! 1….2…..kick out.

He climbs the top rope again but Breakker hits the hurricanrana. Both men exchange strikes. Breakker slams Hayes but he transitions into a submission hold. Breakker escapes and hit the spear taking out the referee as well.

He locks in the camel clutch and Hayes taps. Trick attacks Bron with the title belt from behind. He places Hayes on Bron. Cover! 1….2…..kick out. Hayes drops Brekker and climbs the top rope. He hits the nothing but net for the win.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes (c)

Following the match, Breakker hands the title to Hayes and raises his hands.

This ends our live coverage of NXT Stand & Deliver!

